Discuss about the Pecuniary Jurisdiction of the Courts? How to draft the application objecting the pecuniary jurisdiction of the court?


Pecuniary Jurisdiction [ Section 6]

As per Section 6 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908

Save in so far as is otherwise expressly provided, nothing herein contained shall operate to give any Court jurisdiction over suits the amount or value of the subject matter of which exceeds the pecuniary limits ( if any)of its ordinary jurisdiction.”


Meaning of pecuniary jurisdiction

Pecuniary Jurisdiction relates to the value of the suit. The Court cannot go beyond the pecuniary jurisdiction conferred upon it by law.

Circumstances in which this Section is attracted

For invoking the provisions of Section 6, the following two conditions must exist:-

a. The pecuniary limits must have been prescribed for a Court,  because some Courts have unlimited pecuniary jurisdiction for example High Court and District Court. Hence these Courts are competent to try and decide all the suits irrespective of their value. In such cases there is no application of this section. But a Court whose pecuniary jurisdiction has been fixed by the statute ,cannot go beyond such limits. Therefore, for the application of this section, the condition is that there must be pecuniary limits prescribed.

b. The court whose pecuniary jurisdiction has been declared by the statute must have entertained a suit valued in excess of its jurisdiction. It is very important to note that there is no bar on filing of a suit before a Court lacking pecuniary jurisdiction. But when the Court proceeds to try such a suit then this provision comes into play and restrains the Court from entertaining such a suit the value of which exceeds the pecuniary ceiling of the Court. If the Court passes a decree in which the Court had no jurisdiction under section 6 of the CPC, then such a decree is null and void for the want of jurisdiction.

Subject- Matter

Subject Matter means the relief claimed and not property involved and it is the value of the relief claimed that determines the jurisdiction of the Court. The mode of valuing certain suits for the purposes of determining jurisdiction has been prescribed in the Suits Valuation Act, 1887  and the present section must be read subject to its provisions. Suits so valued exceeding the jurisdiction of the Court are liable to be returned for prosecution before the proper Court.

Decree in Excess of Pecuniary Jurisdiction

Section 6 of the Code of Civil Procedure 1908 prescribe the pecuniary limit within which the Court should try the suit. If the suit filed by the plaintiff was within pecuniary jurisdiction, then the Court is not bound to pass the decree within the pecuniary limit. The Court may pass a decree for the sum which is in the excess of the pecuniary jurisdiction of the Court.

Similarly where different suits which are severally within the jurisdiction of the Court are consolidated, then the Court does not lose its Jurisdiction by reason of the value of all the suits taken together, exceeds its Jurisdiction.

           Further, the competence of the Court to which the decree has been transferred for execution will have to be determined with reference to the valuation of the suit in which the decree was passed and not with reference to amount for which the decree sought to be executed has been passed.

Mesne Profits After Suit- Effect on Pecuniary Jurisdiction

The value of a suit for the recovery of possession and mesne profits is the value of the immovable property plus mesne profits upto the date of filing of the suit. Mesne Profits after the date of the filing of the suit do not form part of the cause of action even though there be such a prayer in the plaint for mesne profits after the date of filing of the suit. And the court has got the jurisdiction to fix the mesne profits from and after the date of institution of the suit and to pass a decree thereof, although the amount may be beyond its pecuniary jurisdiction.

Increase of pecuniary jurisdiction during pendency of the suit

In case where the pecuniary jurisdiction is increased during the pendency of the trail, then no objection as to jurisdiction can be raised if the Court passed a decree for property the value of which exceeds its initial pecuniary jurisdiction.


ABC                                         VERSUS                                               XYZ

…Plaintiff/Respondent                                                    ...Defendant/Applicant


Subject: Application under section 6 of CPC 1908 for return of the Plaint for the lack of Pecuniary Jurisdiction.


Respected Sir,

                          It is most respectfully submitted as under:

1. That the plaintiff has filed the above noted suit for recovery of Rs.15 lacs as principle amount and Rs.2,30,000/ as interest that is the total amount of recovery is Rs.17,30,000/-.

2. That however as per notification 09 Gaz.II/XXI.C.35 dated 05.02.14 of Punjab and Haryana High Court jurisdiction of this Hon’ble Court is limited to Rs.10,00,000/- only. Any suit of the value of more than Rs.10,00,000/- cannot be entertained and tried by this Hon’ble Court.

3. That therefore this Hon’ble Court has no pecuniary jurisdiction to entertain and try the present suit.

4. That since this Hon’ble Court has no pecuniary jurisdiction to entertain and try the present suit in the above noted circumstances, so no useful purpose will be served in the proceeding with the case on merit.



a. that the plaint in the above noted case may kindly be returned to the plaintiff for presentation before the appropriate court of proper jurisdiction in the facts and circumstances of the case.

b. to pass any other further order which this Hon’ble Court may deem fit and proper in the interest of justice and equity.


Place: Kapurthala

Date: ………….                                                                   …..Applicant


                                           Through Counsel


                                           Name and Enrolment no. of Counsel.



Verified that the contents of this application are true and correct and nothing has been falsely stated therein.

Verified at Kapurthala

Verified on……….                                                                …..Applicant


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